documenta archiv
Since ist founding in 1955, the Kassel documenta has come to be the largest and the most highly esteemed international exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The great wealth of material brought together in the course of this exhibition - now staged every five years - prompted the documenta founder Arnold Bode already in 1961 to make provisions for the extablishment of an archive that would be devoted to the documenta. Since that time, the documenta archive has developed into one of the most important speciality libraries in Germany for art of the 20th + 21st century. The wide-ranging collection is complemented by a growing video and picture archive and also includes the Bode estate.
The documenta archive provides visitors with a modern research institution housing extensive and unique materials. Expert support is available from the highly experienced staff for examination of original source material as well as the latest publications in a quiet and comfortable working atmosphere.
The documenta archive provides visitors with a modern research institution housing extensive and unique materials. Expert support is available from the highly experienced staff for examination of original source material as well as the latest publications in a quiet and comfortable working atmosphere.
documenta archiv
Untere Karlsstr. 4
34117 Kassel
Untere Karlsstr. 4
34117 Kassel
T: +49 (0)561-70727-3100
Database: documenta archiv
Records: 0